"FALUX" uses a constant current circuit dependent on the input voltage, variations in the forward current of individual LEDs are corrected for uniform brightness. Meanwhile, the temperature compensation circuitcompensates for fluctuations in brightness due to increases in temperature after lighting or changes in the ambient temperature.
LED brightness sensing is performed using multiple built-in photodiodes, this allows for accurate measurement of LED brightness not only during continuous illumination but also with short period illumination. Absolute brightness is stored in the lighting’s internal memory to allow for instrumental error adjustment. “FALUX Sensing” also makes it possible to measure both the LED brightness of lighting and the internal temperature, and then to monitor those measurements on the power supply side.
“FALUX-it” technology for 12 VDC drivability eliminates the need for a dedicated controller and resistance box. It uses a voltage conversion constant current circuit with a built-in transformer, and constant current control according to the voltage is possible for converting to the different forward voltages for each LED color.